I have always found a sort of beauty in roads, the line, the shape, the sometimes striking opposition to surrounding landscapes, as a formal element i find them quit nice to look at.
Weng Fen's "Bird's Eye View: Guangzhou," 2005
Weng Fen's
I have recently fount the urban landscape to be something of interest to me, it poses all kinds of new ideas about humanity and and the overarching human condition. This photo i feel also speaks to that situation, about what a city is metaphorically more that a physical place.
Vito Acconci. Blinks, Nov 23,1969; afternoon. Photo-Piece, Greenwich Street, NYC; Kodak Instamatic 124, b/w film
I chose this photo for two reasons, first i like the black and white grid, second I have always likes work taken with unexpected equipment, or shall i say non "professional" Equipment.
3 by me.
Excellent. The photographs of the house are beautiful and haunting.