Metro Center For Visual Art, BFA Thesis show, Fall 2010 |
Social crowding has always been something that bothers me, however on this night it was somewhat fun, maybe its because I know many of the people at the show. I took this photo because I found the mass of people looking at the artwork in the gallery to be interesting, as well as the way groups of people would congregate to talk about the work.
The Right to Bear Arms? December, 2010 |
I found this on a sidewalk on the way to a train station in Denver, many questions came to me, why was this here, was it a real gun, or a toy, and if it was a toy how did the trash for a toy gun wind up on the sidewalk in the middle of an industrial area on the way to a train station. The spectical of guns and the American attraction to violence is somewhat interesting and this photo seems to speak about the nature of that consumer appeal to something that otherwise seems so violent, and by all means is not something you would want a child thinking about.
Homecoming, From: Recollections of War, 2010 |
Homecoming, when you arrive back in “the normal world” from a deployment over seas the emotions of returning home can make the soldier terrified by the reality of the home that was once so common to him, as if the world you left at war is somehow more normal to you now than the place you once know so well.
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